
API for slider

API reference for Angular Material slider

import {MatSliderModule} from '@angular/material/slider';

Allows users to select from a range of values by moving the slider thumb. It is similar in behavior to the native <input type="range"> element.

Selector: mat-slider

Exported as: matSlider

color: ThemePalette

Theme color palette for the component.


disabled: boolean

Whether the component is disabled.


invert: boolean

Whether the slider is inverted.


max: number

The maximum value that the slider can have.


min: number

The minimum value that the slider can have.


step: number

The values at which the thumb will snap.


thumbLabel: boolean

Whether or not to show the thumb label.


tickInterval: 'auto' | number

How often to show ticks. Relative to the step so that a tick always appears on a step. Ex: Tick interval of 4 with a step of 3 will draw a tick every 4 steps (every 12 values).


value: number | null

Value of the slider.


vertical: boolean

Whether the slider is vertical.


change: EventEmitter<MatSliderChange>

Event emitted when the slider value has changed.


input: EventEmitter<MatSliderChange>

Event emitted when the slider thumb moves.

displayValue: string | number

The value to be used for display purposes.

onTouched: () => any

onTouch function registered via registerOnTouch (ControlValueAccessor).

percent: number

The percentage of the slider that coincides with the value.


blur the host element


set focus to the host element

A simple change event emitted by the MatSlider component.


source: MatSlider

The MatSlider that changed.

value: number | null

The new value of the source slider.